Please note that certain systems may take up to 24 hours to display a preferred first name. In addition, you may need to clear your browsers cache for the preferred first name to be displayed.
Please only indicate one preferred first name and do not include your last name. Names that use special characters such as commas may not display in Blackboard. If your current full name is Jonathan Smith and your preferred first name is Johnny then you would enter Johnny in the box NOT Johnny Smith. If you enter your last name too, then your name will show up as Johnny Smith Smith. Do not enter multiple names like Johnny or John, please choose one. Anything you enter will be displayed on your course roster in Banner, the email system, and other applications where preferred name can be updated.
1. Log into myEOL using your Banner ID and Password
![Screenshot for iDP login screen for NCCU](
2. Click on the View All Services button under Administrative & Academic Services section
3. Click on the My Profile (SSB9) under the All Services page
4. Inside My Profile, click on the Personal Information card
![Screenshot of my profile within Banner 9](
5. Click on Edit icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Personal Details section
![Screenshot of banner 9 personal details screen.](
6. Click in the Preferred First Name field and enter your preferred first name using the keyboard
![screenshot of banner 9 edit personal details screen with preferred first name circled.](
7. Click Update.