AdmissionPros Account Creation Process


This is the prospective NCCU student process going through AdmissionPros.


  1. Student Application Submission – Student creates an application to the university (Ex. sources: CommonApp, CBCA, and Admission Pros application).
  2. Information Sent to Admission Pros – Application details are sent to Admission Pros.
  3. Admissions Process
    • Admissions reviews the application.
      • Utilize People suspense in Admission Pros to query Banner to see if someone matches criteria.
        • Yes – Use existing BANNER ID and PIDM.
        • No – Create a new BANNER ID and PIDM.
    • Admissions renders a decision on the application.
    • Decision information is sent to Banner, including any other relevant information.
  4. Successful Transmission to Banner
    • Application must be sent from Admission Pros to Banner using BANNER ID and PIDM.
    • This ensures everything is set up correctly in Banner.

Note: ITS only retrieves emails for those who have been admitted. If there is a delay or problem with the above step, then there may be follow-up issues.

  1. Decision Notification – If admitted, a message is sent to the student of next steps, including payment of the enrollment deposit.
  2. Deposit Payment – Once the enrollment deposit is paid in Admission Pros the AP_ENTRY_DATE flag is set, proceed to Step 7.
  3. Information Sent to ITS – A text file (NCCU Sync Server) is sent to the AD ITS team which includes (additional information, third-party ID’s, email address, etc.)
  4. My EOL and AD Continuous Job Run
    • The job script continuously runs every five min to monitor applications.
    • Errors may occur outside of reboots; manual reviews can cause delays.
    • Error Job runs manually at 11:45 PM. This is a report that is emailed to IT resources.
    • Note: Delays may occur if the applicant is missing a third-party ID.
  5.  Job Run Flags
    • AD INFORMED: Flag is set when the student account information file is received from SFTP server.
    • AD COMPLETE: Students flagged as complete when no error message is present, a text file (CreatedStudents.txt) is updated with their 820 number, date, and time.
    • AP INFORMED: Admission Pros sends an email notification that My EOL credentials are available. This process occurs in five minutes intervals after the AD COMPLETE flag is set.
  6. Account Creation Failure Process
    • If the account isn’t created, the following occurs:
      • A daily report is generated by 11:55 PM containing:
        • Last four digits of the students Banner ID
        • Third-party ID (if available)
        • Students full name
      • Reach out to Database Administrator to find the text file generated for the failed user, containing the AP created password.
      • Collect the Full Banner ID, Third-party ID, students full name, and Admission Pros created password.
  7. Manual User Creation
    • Create a text file and manually run the same script as the automatic account creation script to create the user in the domain and Google.
    • Update the text file (CreatedStudents.txt) used by the automatic script whenever a user is created.
    • This text file triggers the AD_Completed flag.

Additional information:

  • Email Generation – MyEOL/NCCU notification emails are generated every five minutes so students can complete the Before You SOAR process in a timely manner and not walk away.
  • System Maintenance – Banner may undergo system maintenance, during which missed updates are mapped back in.




Article ID: 162809
Mon 11/18/24 4:01 PM
Tue 11/19/24 8:21 AM