Registering Devices

Registering Devices 

Computers, smartphones and tablets may be connected to the campus Wi-Fi for a mobile internet connection (Eagles Wi-Fi).  Currently, the network does not allow other devices (i.e. Smart TVs, Gaming Systems).  Additionally, faculty, staff, and students may register up to 7 devices (wired and wireless). 

Students who choose to bring devices that are not supported on wireless may use a wired connection by connecting the device via an Ethernet cable to the port in their room.  Once the devices is connected to the port, the following steps may be taken to register the device.  

IMPORTANT: The following steps must be completed using a laptop or mobile device that is already connected to NCCU's internet.

1. Connect the device you wish to register on the wireless network (SSID: Eagles).

2. From the PC or Phone already on wifi, visit


3. Sign in with your NCCU AD (MyEOL) credentials.

4. Click “Register Another Host”

5. Complete the form by entering the MAC Address for the device you wish to register. 

Note: Directions on how to find the MAC address on certain devices may be found by clicking this link:

6. Submit the registration form.

7. Test the connection of the device.

Experiencing Issues?

If you have any additional questions or you receive any errors when following this process, please contact the help desk at 919-530-7676 or submit a ticket here Please be able to provide the specific error message that you receive for troubleshooting purposes as well as the MAC address of the device.

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Article ID: 13710
Tue 6/7/16 9:46 AM
Mon 8/14/23 10:10 AM

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