Webex Meetings: Difference between "Meet Now", "Schedule Webex Meeting", "Schedule Personal Conference Meeting" and "Schedule Personal Room Meeting"


Meet Now

Need to hold a meeting now? The Meet Now command is a simple way to start instant meetings.
You can start instant meetings from your Cisco Webex site using the Meet Now command or in your Outlook Desktop Client. By default, instant meetings that you start with the "Meet Now" command are in your Personal Room.

1. Once in the room you can go to the Circle menu navigation bar and select three dots icon and choose Invite and Remind.

2. To send someone an invitation to your personal room, type in any email address and press Send.

3.You can also give them your nine digit personal room number and they can enter this into the Webex Join box at www.nccu.webex.com or enter xxxxxxxxx (your nine digit number) and enter it into the Join A Meeting box on Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop Application starting window.

Circle navigation for invite and remind

Invite and Remind

Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop Application


Schedule Webex Meeting

This is a virtual conference space with its own unique room and is password protected. The password and meeting room number is embedded in the Join Webex Meeting link in an email invitation.  The only time the meeting number and password is needed is if the attendee does not click on the Join Webex Meeting link.


Under the Schedule Meeting icon in the Outlook Desktop Client, you can select from the drop down and choose Schedule Webex Meeting.  


Under the Cisco Webex icon in the Outlook Desktop Client, you can select from the drop down and choose Schedule Webex Meeting.


Schedule Personal Room Meeting

A personal room is your own virtual conference space and it is always available and you never have to book it.  You can also schedule a meeting in the future in your personal room. The advantage of scheduling meetings in your personal room is you never have to leave the room when the next meeting starts in your personal room. However, this means, unless you lock your room, others can come in to an already occurring meeting. Your personal room always has the same nine digit number.

1. To find this number, launch your personal room- Meet Now- and go to Meeting in the menu and choose Information. You can also locate your personal room meeting number from the browser by going to www.nccu.webex.com.

2. Login and then select the tab My Webex (if using classic version). If you do not see My Webex, click on the arrow above your initials or image to display the tab options.

Click on Preferences, My Personal Room, and not the nine digit number after the PR


Schedule Personal Conference Meeting (Windows only) 

A Personal Conference account and number allows you to quickly start the audio portion of a Webex Personal Conference meeting. If necessary, you and your participants can join the online meeting, which is started along with the audio portion of the meeting: 

  • Integrated audio and Web meetings.
  • Ad-hoc Personal Conference meetings from any phone.
  • Scheduled Personal Conference meetings.

You can set up to three Personal Conferencing accounts in your preferences.