This guide explains how the admin of a form can use and manage NextGen forms.
How do you check if you have admin access for the NextGen Organization?
- Log in with myEOL:
- Scroll to the “Administrative & Academic Services” section.
- Find the “NextGen” button as shown on the following screenshot
- Note: If you don’t see it, click “View All Services” and locate it on the full listing.
- The NextGen link will take you to the SSO login screen. Log in with SSO. If you have admin access for the organization, then the screen will look like the following screenshot, with the different form names listed:
How do you manage a NextGen form if you have admin access?
- Open the NextGen Admin Portal as described in the previous question.
- Find the form that you want to manage.
- In this example, I am trying to manage the “NCCU Academic Appeals Form.”
- As you can see, there is a number “1” under the “Multi” column.
- By clicking on number “1,” you will be able to see the submitted forms that are in the Multi state. Multi means this is an active and not completed form submission. The screen will look like the below screen with “Form Status: Multi-Pending,” the form information, PDF, HTML, etc.
- The admin can view the PDF version of the form by clicking on the PDF icon.
- By clicking on the “Action” dropdown, the admin will be able to see options like “Manage Co-Signers,” “Mark Processed,” “Archive,” and “Delete.”
- Manage Co-Signer: In specific situations, the co-signer is out of office. If you want to change the Approver/Co-Signer, the admin can update the Co-signer and resend the email notifications.
- Mark Processed: After all the approvals have been completed, the form will stay in the Pending state. The admin can mark it processed by clicking on “Mark Processed.”
- Archive: At some point, if you don’t want the form submission, then you can archive it.
- Delete: The admin can delete a form submission if they want to. We can un-delete and get the form submission back in case we accidentally deleted the form.
NextGen Form FAQs
How can an admin access the PDF?
Admins can access a form submission PDF by going to the NextGen portal, searching for the form, and clicking on the numbers either on the “Multi,” “Pending,” “Returned,” “Processed,” or “Archived” tabs. Clicking on the numbers will take the admin to the Admin screen, where the admin will see the list of form submissions. View the PDF by clicking on the Adobe PDF icon.
How do you reassign a form submission to another approver?
Steps to Manage Co-Signer
- Go to the NextGen Admin screen by clicking on “Multi” or “Pending” on the NextGen Admin Portal.
- Click on “Action.”
- Click on “Manage Co-Signer.”
- The Co-Signer Information list will pop up.
- Click on “Action.”
- Click on “Edit Cosigner.”
- Edit the Cosigner Information such as First Name, Last Name, Email and Re-enter Email.
- Hit “Save and Re-send Notification.”
How can an admin send email notifications?
Steps to Resend Email Notifications
- Go to the NextGen Admin screen by clicking on “Multi” or “Pending” on the NextGen Admin Portal.
- Click on “Action.”
- Click on “Manage Co-Signer.”
- The Co-Signer Information list will pop up.
- Click on “Action.”
- Click on “Re-send Notification.”
How can an admin download a spreadsheet of all the form submissions?
On the Admin screen of the Form submissions, you will see the “Export” tab in the top-right corner. Clicking on the Export tab will download the excel spreadsheet of all form submissions.
What preferences can be changed?
- Fields: These preferences will allow users to change the fields to show and hide on the form submission screen.
- Sorting: Users can sort form submissions by ascending or descending order.
- Paging: Users can also change the paging options to control how many form submissions should display on each page.