Capital Projects Documentation

Logging in to

  • To add or update Capital Projects, please first log in to using the following URL:
  • Enter your username and password according to the direction provided by Web Services.
    • If you need to reset your password, please refer to the “Password Reset” section below.
    • If you do not know your username, please reach out to Web Services.
    • Note: your username and password for are not the same as your other NCCU credentials.

Adding Capital Projects:

  • Add requested information as follows:
    • Project Name: Type in the project name.
    • Project Scope: Type in the project scope.
    • Project Budget: Add the project budget (include the “$” sign).
    • Project Category: Choose the project category from the list.
    • Project Completion Date: Select the project completion date.
    • Percentage of Design Complete (Example: 0% or 100%)
    • Percentage of Construction Complete (Example: 0% or 100%)
    • Funding Resource: Enter funding resources.
    • Designer: If the project designer has a website, then please add the website link in the URL field and the title/name in the Link text field. If they don’t have a website, then add “#” in the URL field and add the title/name as the Link text.
    • Contractor: If the contractor has a website, then please add the website link in the URL field and the title/name in the Link text field. If they don’t have a website, then add “#” in the URL field and add the title/name as the Link text.
    • Current Status: Enter the current status of the project.
    • Design Template: If you have an image file for the design template, then add it here. You can add multiple image files. Make sure you add alternative text for the image file. Alternative text should describe the purpose/content of the image. An image with text is not accessible. You must use images without text, although a logo in the image is fine.
    • Attachments: Similar to the Design Template field, this field allows you to upload document files. You can upload multiple files. Once you uploaded a document, the Description field will pop up. It is not mandatory to enter a description. If you enter a description, the link title will be set as a document link.
  • Save as: At the end of the page, you will see the workflow states: Draft and Editing.
    • If you want to verify the capital project information, then save as Draft. You will then see all listed information in the front-facing view.
    • After verifying it, you can go back to edit the capital projects and change the workflow state to Editing. Our team will run a grammar/spelling check and broken link/accessibility check, and then it will be published.
  • After it is published, you can see the newly added project on this screen:


Updating Capital Projects:


  • You will see the “Edit” link at the top of the page. Click on that to access the edit form where you can update values.
    • Note: Make sure you put an update message in the “Revision log message” textbox on the right side of the edit page. In that way, we can keep a record of each and every update.

  • The View link displays the project details (front-facing).
  • The Edit link allow you to edit the project. It will run through the same workflow steps each time (Draft, Editing, Testing, Final Review, and Publication).
  • The Revisions link displays all version information. We can revert versions if we need to get back a previous version of the project.

Password Reset:

To reset your password on, please use the following instructions:

(Note: click “Threat Management,” then “Review,” and finally “Quarantine.”)

  • Once you have the email, use the link in it to reset your password.
  • After resetting, please clear your browser cache.
  • Finally, log in using the following URL:


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