Scheduling a Recurring Meeting

Zoom allows you to schedule meetings with multiple occurrences so that each occurrence uses the same meeting ID and settings. You can schedule these meetings in daily, weekly, and monthly increments. You can also set a recurring meeting to be used at any time. Meeting IDs for recurring meetings expire 365 days after the meeting was last started.

Windows | macOS | Linux

Schedule a recurring meeting

  1. Sign in to the Zoom desktop client.
  2. On the Home tab, click Schedule.
    This will open a new window.
  3. Below the Time Zone option, select the check box next to Recurring Meeting.
  4. Edit the following recurrence options:
    • Recurrence: Choose to have this repeat DailyWeekly, or Monthly
      Note: Scheduling a No Fixed Time recurring meeting must be done through the web portal
    • Repeat every: Choose how often the meeting should repeat, such as every 2 days, every 3 weeks, every 6 months. The Weekly recurrence option will also provide the ability to select which days of the week to repeat on. 
    • End date: Choose when to end the recurring meeting series. Choose By to select the date for the recurring series to end, or After _ occurences to choose how many recurrences in the series to create. 
  5. Edit other meeting options as needed. 
  6. Click Save.

If you chose to export the meeting to your Outlook or Google Calendar events, the recurrence pattern is included in the calendar event created. 

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Article ID: 156545
Fri 1/19/24 9:02 AM