Overview of uStore and uPay

Tags TouchNet


Marketplace uStores let students, parents, alumni, and others shop online, register for events, or make donations at the time most convenient for them. As shoppers make payments, Marketplace automatically updates the G/L accounts in the campus finance system. uStores help institutions centralize control of eCommerce finances and technology, while distributing the management and operations of eCommerce websites to authorized campus merchants.


Marketplace uPay provides secure, PA-DSS compliant payment processing for any web-based application. It moves campus wide payments into one centralized, certified payment system and gives campuses a solution for integrating departmental websites or existing web applications into a central, secure, payment system. uPay collects all relevant payment information in a secure environment that feeds directly to TouchNet Payment Gateway, then links back to the original application.*

*There may be additional fees associated with the set up for a uPay account. Please see the “uPay Fees” article in the Web Services Knowledge Base.

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