Interns Onboarding Email Notifications Boilerplate Text

AD Account Email

Hi [Name],

Your NCCU Active Directory (AD) account has been created.

Please login to myEOL ( and the Helpdesk system TeamDynamix ( ) with the following credentials:

Username: [Username]

Password: [Password]

Thank you!

TD Access Email

Hi [Name],

You now have access to the TeamDynamix Helpdesk system.

Please sign in to TeamDynamix using the following URL:

Alternatively, you can go to and can click on “Users.”

Please use the following Knowledgebase article to set up your TeamDynamix Desktop:

Thank you! Access Email

Hi [Name],

You now have access to the website.

Please sign in to using the following URL:

Username: [Username]

Password: [Password]

Thank you!

Siteimprove Access Email

Hi [Name],

You now have access to the Siteimprove website.

You should receive an email directly from Siteimprove to create your password.

If you don’t receive it in your inbox, then please check your Quarantine folder:

Please refer to the following KB article on how to release the email from your Quarantine folder:

After releasing the email, please click on the link from SiteImprove email and create/reset your password. After signing into Siteimprove, please go through the following article to understand how Siteimprove is used to test the NCCU websites:

Thank you!