Popular Services

Please fill out the request form with detailed description of your technical issue.

Web page creation and maintenance

Request activation of network port within a residential dorm room

Complete this ticket to request a campus announcement.

Brochures, flyers and other print or digital design work

Issues with computer, speakers, keyboard (i.e) hardware malfunction

News releases, editing services, story submissions

Telecom services includes changing the Cisco VoIP phone display name.

Departmental Shared Mailbox – Email Account Access

Digital marketing, email blasts, press releases, editing services, and speeches/remarks.

OrcaTV is the university’s digital display platform, in-residence hall television station and residential hall streaming platform.

Staff/Faculty Portraits, Group Shots, University and Department Event Photos

Classroom technology support issues, Classroom technology design

Guest Wireless Access, Faculty and Staff Wireless, Mobile Access, Group Wireless, On-Boarding Wireless Portal

Request to have card access added for academic and administrative buildings/areas on campus.

Use this form to request Panopto recording services for your upcoming lecture or event at the Law School.

Access to campus resources, remote desktop access, WebVPN, Banner Access (off campus)

Troubleshoot network connectivity issues.

Troubleshooting printing issues for Faculty/Staff and assist the end user with printing, copying access.

Office of Institutional Research and Analysis Data Request Form.