IT Security Incidents and Whitelisting

Services (8)

Electronic Data Access Form

This form is for obtaining access to a former employee’s electronic data.

General Data Protection Regulation Request

This request is for obtaining information about the data held about you by the University.

Privileged Account Request Form

Privileged User Accounts are named credentials that have been granted administrative privileges on one or more systems. Due to the operational knowledge and elevated access to sensitive North Carolina Central University (NCCU) information technology systems, individuals with Privileged or Administrative Access (“privileged access”) are in a unique position of trust and responsibility (ITS System Admins only).

Security Breach

This form is used for reporting in the event of a security incident.

Suspicious Call

Reporting NCCU fraudulent calls.

User Compromised Account

This incident request is used for suspecting an NCCU user account of being compromised.


Security practice of allowing e-mail addresses or domain names access or recognition.