Network & Wireless Services

Information about Wireless, Registering Devices, Removing Devices.

Articles (7)

Connecting to the Wireless on Campus

steps to connect to the wireless

How-To Connect to Wifi on Other College Campuses Using Eduroam

Access to the Eduroam Wifi network is available to all NCCU faculty, staff, and students that have an active NCCU username and password. Connecting your device to this network allows you to gain free wi-fi access from a consortium of universities and education institutions around the world.

Registering Devices

This article provides steps for manually registering a device by using another device that is connected to the wireless network

Remove Devices

This article assists with removing devices from NCCU's network.

Setting up Eduroam to Connect to Wifi on Other College Campuses

Access to the Eduroam Wifi network is available to all NCCU faculty, staff, and students that have an active NCCU username and password. Connecting your device to this network allows you to gain free wi-fi access from a consortium of universities and education institutions around the world.